
NEW – Youth Dance Group

Dance Woking is setting up a Youth Dance group.

We will be holding weekly dance classes; the class will develop the students techniques as well as bring out the creative artist within and develop their improvisation skills, all whilst maintaining a fun and supportive atmosphere!

There will be opportunities to work with professional dance companies and perform at Dance Woking platforms.

Suitable for ages 11 years and older

For further details and to apply click Booking form NEW Youth Group 2017

We have previously run intensive summer courses and continue to run short 2-3 day intensives during half term school breaks. We now want to build on this experience and develop an annual programme of dance activity for a youth dance group.


Dance Woking is seeking part-time Marketing Officer

Dance Woking is seeking part-time Marketing Officer

Dance Woking seeks a dynamic and highly motivated individual to undertake the role of Marketing Officer to lead the marketing for Dance Woking and in particular the professional dance series. The role will lead on the branding and re-positioning of Dance Woking, with a particular emphasis on audience development for this new strand developing a small to middle scale professional dance programme in, Woking.

The Marketing Officer will oversee Dance Woking’s marketing campaigns both internally and externally and play a key part in communicating the organisations marketing message.

For details go to Opportunities


From Edinburgh’s Fringe Festival Fagin’s Twist comes to Woking

Avant Garde Dance and The Place present Fagin’s Twist

Tuesday 3 & Wednesday 4 October, 7.30pm

Rhoda McGaw Theatre, Woking

Fagin’s Twist is coming to Woking in October, it’s currently on at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and here is the first review FIVE STARS*****


A tale you think you know unravels and explodes

Fagin’s Twist is the untold story of a notorious and complex villain, it imagines Fagin’s youth, driven by greed and ambition in the face of overwhelming poverty. The streets are a place of little comfort and fairy-tale endings are hard to find in this poignant coming-of-age-tale.

See Dicken’s Oliver Twist in a new light as Tony Adigun’s Avant Garde Dance flips your expectations of five familiar characters, with their unmatched contemporary hip hop style

To book tickets 0844 8717645

On line HERE