Inspired Learning
Current Programmes 21/22
Dance Woking’s Inspired Learning Programme is dynamic and responsive to the changing environment, it is delivered in a flexible way to provide opportunities for participants to take part, perform and watch. The different elements of the Inspire programme are linked. Enabling young people to get access to outstanding professional dancers and dance companies. We offer both curriculum, extra-curriculum and non-curriculum-based activity.
Primary – KS1 & KS2
Hunky-Dory Dancer programme – Dance, Health & Wellbeing
The Hunky-Dory Dancer Programme has been put together by Dance Woking and is designed to emphasise dance as a form of fitness and wellness, as an outlet for fun and enjoyment through movement and as a way to relieve stress and anxiety. Included within this programme is a focus on healthy living including healthy foods and lifestyle.
This is a ten-week programme of dance that can take place either before or after school; or during curriculum time and is ideal for children in years 3, 4 or 5. As a potential follow on from this programme, Dance Woking also has a number of performance participation events throughout the year that Hunky Dory Dancer groups can progress on to.
Suitable for Primary Schools – KS1 & KS2: Years 3, 4, 5
Type: Curriculum, Extra-curriculum
Case Study: What if? – Dance and Solar Science
An insightful dance workshop aimed at years 5 & 6 combining Dance and Solar Science. Themes include Space/Planets, Orbits/Axis, Magnets and Magnetic Forces. Schools chose a strand that fitted their science curriculum and learnt through physicality and dance. Workshops developed depending on year group and workshop length.
Suitable for Primary Schools – KS1 & KS2: Years 5 & 6
Type: Curriculum
Case study: Imagine Kantha – Combining Culture, Nature, Art and Dance
Gave cultural insight into historical arts practices (dance, movement, drawing and embroidery) from India. Re-designed during lock-down to offer opportunities via video link this project includes an art pack for every child, video lesson tuition from Visual Artist Bhajan Hunjan, Kathak Dance with Professional Dance Artist Amina Khayyam and Contemporary Dance with Dance Woking Professional Dance Artist Laurie-Ann Price.
The project was delivered as a blended offer using a mix of pre-recorded videos, which schools delivered during curriculum time as well as in-person for the dance delivery. It was ideal for Enrichment Activity, Art lessons and PE lessons.
Suitable for Primary Schools – KS1 & KS2: Years 3, 4, 5
Type: Curriculum based workshop – Video Dance Delivery
Dance Clubs – Variety of dance styles available
Extra-Curricular Dance Clubs available for all Primary School age groups. Additional options include taking part in Dance Woking performance Platforms and Events. Dance Clubs have a set fee for the term, paid by the school, and the school is responsible for registers and participants. Many schools access the Dance Woking Dance Club option using their Sports Funding budget. This is a great way to engage children in physical activity, in a fun environment, learn new skills, rhythm and team building.
Suitable for Primary Schools – KS1 & KS2: Years 5 & 6
Type: Extra-curricular offering – before or after school
If you would like to take part in any of these activities please contact us.
Secondary – K3
Mind & Movement – Health & Wellbeing through Physical Activity, Dance & Mental Wellbeing
Dance Woking undertook a pilot project working with Woking Youth service to offer dance and creative activities on school premises to address the issue of mental health and wellbeing in young people and as a result able to deliver a bespoke programme for schools. Dancing can make a person feel physically refreshed and improve their mood, tackling serious issues including anxiety and depression. Group dancing is a tool to release daily stress, a distraction from everyday worries and an outlet for imagination and emotion.
Benefit to participants: By being involved in a group activity, such as learning a dance routine, the participants learnt the importance of teamwork and develop the ability to work successfully in a group environment. The process also helps a young person learn patience, listening and leadership skills as they start to help each other with learning and practicing the steps. They also learn to accept vulnerability; that it is okay not to be able to do everything first time and that you should feel confident enough to ask for help, either from the teacher or from another student. Dancing encourages children to experiment and find different paths to solving problems. It is vital in a young person’s development to learn the importance of trial-and-error and that, if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. The sense of success and accomplishment they will experience when they have mastered a series of steps will encourage them to transfer this ambition into other aspects of life. The club will provide a safe environment within which the participants can blossom and grow, practicing important life skills and becoming confident risk takers.
Suitable for all year groups and targeted via PHSE Team
Type: Curriculum and Extra Curriculum Workshops
Case Study: Imagine Kantha – Combining Culture, Art and Dance
Gave cultural insights into historical arts practices (dance, movement, drawing and embroidery) from India. Re-designed during lock-down to offer opportunities via video link this project includes an art pack for every child, video lesson tuition from Visual Artist Bhajan Hunjan, Kathak Dance with Professional Dance Artist Amina Khayyam and Contemporary Dance with Dance Woking Professional Dance Artist Laurie-Ann Price. This project also supports Health & Wellbeing
The project was delivered through a blended offer using a mix of pre-recorded videos, which schools delivered during curriculum time as well as in-person for the dance delivery. It was ideal for Enrichment Activity, Art lessons and PE lessons.
Suitable for Secondary Schools
Type: Curriculum based workshop – Video Dance Delivery
If you would like to take part in any of these activities please contact us.
Youth & Extra Curriculum
Dance Clubs – Physical Activity, Dance
High energy, engaging after school dance clubs provided by Dance Woking Artists. Range of dance styles and levels available. Additional options include taking part in Dance Woking performance Platforms and Events. Dance Clubs have different formats and due to the different set-ups within school we can be flexible in how we partner with you to deliver this activity. Some schools access this option using their Sports Funding budget. This is a great way to engage children in physical activity, in a fun environment, learn new skills, rhythm and team building, and engage those that aren’t engaged in team sports.
Suitable for all year groups
Type: Curriculum and Extra Curriculum Workshops
Alongside the schemes listed above we also deliver workshops linked to performance opportunities, for details of these please visit our Inspired Platforms Programme
If you would like to take part in any of these activities please contact us.
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