Inspire Programme
Inspired Talent Growth is integral to our Inspire Programme.
The support of artists and aspiring professional dancers is a vital part of dance development locally, regionally and nationally. We recognise the importance of fostering talent and the important part that artists can play as role models.
Supporting the next generation of dance creatives through a variety of pathways including two membership schemes that are designed to provide professional development opportunities to support, sustain and inspire dancers, artists, teachers and makers. These are:
Dance Surrey
A comprehensive tool for the wider community to find and access dance activity in Surrey.
Dance Surrey
A listing site for Creative Industry Professionals working and or living in Surrey.
Supported Artists
Giving a unique opportunity for up to ten dance professionals who either live or work in Surrey to become a Supported Artists and Associated Artists for 12 months.
In these uncertain times we would love your support in any of the following ways:
Highlights year by year
An opportunity to relive the best bits from each year.