The official warm-up event for Party in the Park takes place this weekend in Woking Town Centre.
On Saturday 2 July, Dance Woking is again hosting an interactive taster event in Jubilee Square to delight shoppers and excite partygoers planning to attend Woking’s premier outdoor festival (9 July).
From midday, professional and community dance groups will be previewing their H.G. Wells inspired performances in step with Party in the Park’s science fiction theme, and encouraging you to have a go.
People passing through Jubilee Square this weekend can see
A showcase of community dance talent, at 12noon and 2.15pm, featuring:
• First Dance Studios (Amy Astley)
• Francesca Louise Dance Company
• Street Dance Academy UK- Laci Strike
• Chinese Association Woking
Critically acclaimed performance art from
• Amina Khayyam Dance Co. performing ‘People in the Skies’ – 12.25pm and 2.40pm
• Commotion Dance Co. performing ‘Little Artist, Big Painting’ – 12.55pm and 3.10pm
Take part in free dance workshops
• Learn some Sci-Fi moves with Dance Woking – 12.35pm and 2.50pm
• MoveMe’s Bert Roman will show you just how much you ‘love to boogie’ to T.Rex – 1.35pm and 3.50pm
Responsible for delivering the dance programme at Party in the Park, Sam McCaffrey, Executive Director at Dance Woking, said: “This is the second year we’ve hosted Encounters, which aims to give people a flavour of what’s on offer at Party in the Park on the 9 July in Woking Park.
“Woking is a hotbed for dance and it’s fantastic to be able to showcase both the wealth of talent, and opportunity to participate in dance, that exists locally.
“In Jubilee Square this Saturday, four community groups will be performing the dances they have prepared specially for the Party, so please watch them, applaud loudly, and give them lots of encouragement. You’ll be able to see them again at Party in the Park, performing on the Morrisons Main Stage and in the Encounters Dance tent.
“A real treat for shoppers in the Town Centre this weekend are our two performance acts. Amina Khayyam Dance Co. tours all over the UK and uses Kathak, a type of northern Indian classical dance, combined with mime, as its core narrative. Commotion Dance is planning to draw spectators into its paint-filled world, full of magical movement and daring dance! Watch in awe as the dancers create a visually striking, larger than life painting in the middle of Jubilee Square.
“Everyone’s favourite, MoveMe’s Bert Roman, is back. He’ll be showing you some simple steps to the T.Rex classic, ‘We Love to Boogie’. Join in with him and the Dance Woking instructors to have some fun, learn something, get moving and above all, get in the party spirit!”
Party in the Park takes place on Saturday 9 July, 12noon to 9pm in Woking Park. For further information about this free family event, visit www.celebratewoking.info/partyinthepark