Dance Woking partnered with Woking Borough Council, Sportivate and Thames Valley Housing Association to bring you Parkour (every Friday) at Woking Gymnastics Club from 8pm-9:30pm.
Focusing on building skills and technique in free running and performance parkour
The final session for the summer was on Saturday 17 June, we hope to announce dates for the autumn term very soon…
In the meantime The Urban Playground Team will be at party in the Park on Saturday 9 July in the main field – Futuristic Field by the Dance Woking Encounters tent
They are performing at 12.30pm & 2.45pm
Running Time: 35 minutes
Information: Suitable for all ages – performance parkour
A group of urban explorers discover, beneath canvas tarps, the skeletal remains of a machine that changed the world. Inspired, they shovel coal on the fires of the past… Inspired by classic movie genre STEAM takes the UPG Team on a whistle stop tour through silent movies, the Wild West, James Bond, WWI and the dark future of inner city commuting…
Local young people from Rotate, Dance Woking’s weekly performance parkour group supported by Dance Woking, Art Council England, Thames Valley Housing Association and Woking Borough Council have created an exciting new scene, which will be performed alongside the professional company.
Performance Parkour workshop 3.30pm suitable for 12 plus
To find out where you can see the performance go to CLICK HERE: