Dance Surrey Pro
Dance Surrey Pro provides professional development opportunities to support, sustain and inspire dancers, artists, teachers and makers. The programme runs annually and includes a variety of opportunities to network and be part of a thriving dance community, with access to Continuous Professional Development (CPD) throughout the year, discounts to classes, workshops and dance performances, platforms and sharing’s. Designed to support Surrey’s Professional Dancers stay connected.
£25 PER annum
- listing on our Artist Directory
- take advantage of our monthly online Breakfast briefings, a short 45 minute session led by a guest speaker who will impart and share some of their journey, guest speakers will include, but not limited to choreographers, creative entrepreneurs, producers, dancers to give you a brief insight into their careers with a Q&A
- take part in our CPD sessions led by the invited breakfast briefing guest at a reduced fee
- join us in a monthly online drop-in session, for adhoc advice, signposting or just a friendly chat!