

Encounters, Saturday 30 June 2018

Jubilee Square, Woking Town Centre, Woking, GU21 6YG

11am – 3pm

Hosted by Dance Woking, Encounters is an exciting taster event leading up to next Saturday’s Party in the Park, to delight shoppers and encourage attendance to Party in the Park on Saturday 7th July, taking place at Woking Park.

There are opportunities to take part, perform and watch.

This year we marks the 100 Anniversary of World War 1 and the Representation of the People’s Act

Party in the Park will be used as a platform to highlight these celebrations and showcase some of the community projects and activities that will focus on these significant milestone events, and encourage participation among Woking’s diverse communities, developing ‘pride of place’.

Come and see the different banners and sashes made by the dancers as we move through Woking town Centre; parade starts just outside woking hospice at 1.15pm

To find out more go to:

To see what we did last year: