
Young Dancemakers Perform at Rhoda McGaw Theatre

Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 November saw 240 students perform from eleven different schools & colleges at Dance Woking’s Young Dance Makers Platform, some for the first time. In response to the UK Government hosting COP26 in Glasgow, Dance Woking’s 2021’s theme was ‘Our Precious Planet’, working with Dance Woking’s outreach team for just 8 weeks, the students were able to highlight their concerns through dance, creating imaginative and dynamic dance pieces.

The choreography, costume and lighting design was the responsibility of the young dancers with some help from the Dance Woking team. Monday’s school groups hailed from: Horsell Junior School, Horsell Village School, Esher High School, Kings Academy Binfield, St John’s the Baptist School and Guildford College.

Tuesday’s school groups featured groups from: Sythwood Primary School, Claygate Primary, Esher High School, Kings Academy Binfield, St Teresa’s Effingham, St John’s the Baptist School, Woking College.

Titles of the piece were extremely thought provoking, Monday night featured pieces such as Kings Academy Binfield’s, ‘A single Raindrop never feels responsible for a flood’ which highlighted the increase in flooding experienced in some countries through climate change. Horsell Juniors piece called ‘Stop the Chop’ focused on the deforestation of the rainforest and the impact this is having on wildlife, soil erosion and green house gas emission. Horsell Village School based their piece on Oliver Jeffer’s book ‘Here We Are, Notes For Living on Planet Earth’ the students traveling through space, visit the sea and explore human’s basic needs.

Tuesday’s pieces were equally thought provoking with Sythwood Primary School taking their inspiration from Greta Thunberg and David Attenborough with ‘How Dare You! From The Future Generations’, they discover their voice to protect their future planet.Closing the Platform on Tuesday evening was Woking College with ‘The Garbage Patch’, thestudentsinspired to highlight the build-up of pollution and rubbish in the oceans.

In attendance on Tuesday was Surrey High Sheriff, Dr. Julie Llewelyn, who praised the students for their performances and presented certificates of achievement to each of the groups, performing in her official duty on behalf of the Queen.

Sam McCaffrey, CEO/Artistic Director Dance Woking said ‘we were thrilled to be able to be back at Rhoda McGaw Theatre presenting live dance on stage. The standard of the dances was exceptionally high with every student excelling on the night. Being able to use dance to express and highlight their worries and fears about the effect of climate change and its impact on their future has helped them start to discover their voice. To have the Surrey High Sheriff, Dr. Julie Llewelyn at the platform was very special and meant a lot to the students performing’.

Monday’s Groups included:

Horsell Junior School, Horsell Village School, Guildford College, Esher High School, Kings Academy Binfield, St John the Baptist School

Tuesdays Groups included:

Sythwood Primary School, Westfield Primary School, Claygate Primary, Esher High School, Kings Academy Binfield, Woking College, St John the Baptist School, St Theresa’s College