Dance Woking has for the fifth year produced the community dance showcase for the main stage and Encounters Tent at Party in the Park and this year sees an even greater number of groups taking part, there is an exciting and eclectic mix of dance groups showcasing the diversity and make-up of the Borough with over 300 dancers performing in 30 groups taking to one of the two stages in the Futuristic Field. Compering on the main stage for Dance Woking’s showcase is Lucy Field – Chair of Dance Woking.
The community dance groups have taken the sci-fi theme element to inspire their dance performances in their costume and or music; this year you can expect to see some interesting interpretations of what sci-fi means to the groups. The groups performing welcome new members and if anyone watching on the day is interested in making contact, the details of each dance group can be found on Dance Woking’s new website, which has a new dance directory, sign posting all the different dance companies taking part and how to contact them,
As well as bringing the local dance community together to Woking Park, Dance Woking’s Director, Sam McCaffrey,
‘This year I have really enjoyed the challenge of finding and putting together an exciting sci-fi themed based programme of work, bringing new companies to Woking, the performances are exciting and attention grabbing, a mix of professional dance and theatre companies. I hope the Woking audience enjoy this great opportunity to see such high quality performances for free and enjoy a great family day out.’