Dance Woking is currently on a 2 year programme called Change Creation, featured in Arts Professional last week was an article by Richard Watts Director of ‘people make it work’. Richard is one of the course leaders and with his team help Dance Woking navigate through this crisis. We will be sharing some of the insights and tools that we are using to help steer us in this time of great change.
The Covid-19 public health crisis has clearly created an urgent and visceral threat. Our immediate challenge is no longer about how we reinvent the cultural experiences we deliver and become relevant to 21st century audiences. It’s about how we survive for the next six months, stay connected with our communities and audiences and support our staff and colleagues through this challenging time.
Arts organisations are experiencing unprecedented pressure as public-facing organisations at the heart of communities, as vulnerable organisations often reliant on the public to remain viable, as employers and a source of income for countless freelance and casual workers, and with staff who are family members, friends and neighbours and are people concerned and affected in myriad ways by this public health crisis.
To read full article click the link:
March 25 2020